There had been nothing for years. No words. No twinklings from the direction it would eventually creep back in. Gone.
Or so it seemed.
Nothing is ever gone once it is or was. Once something has been done it always remains. Time traveling is just the simple act of slipping back into one's thoughts and seeing, smelling the events that were. Once something is, a line a path of being is projected into space and life exists with it catch in its folds.
The direction from which it would come back is of importance only to her. The thing oozed its trail of disregard framing its entrance in the location that she gazed for refuge. Her sacred location no more.
And as she gazed into the cool morning mists rising from the fields when she expected to find calm and strength to face the long day ahead, she saw the horrors of the past trudging back into her mind. The marsh that had been reclaimed lay in ruins under the heavy revolutions of the enormous tire's tracks.
Her scream pierced the morning. It was the scream unleashed at knowing your child is dead. It is the scream unleashed that causes weeping upon its hearing. It was the scream we know but never ever wish to hear.
Had the emergence of this foul creature been from any point but this one, she would have been safe. Had her gaze centering been moments earlier, perhaps she would had a different mind about the ordeal to come.
But perhaps not.
The soul is a tenacious creature. The soul links itself like a vine between the heart and the mind, wrapping them both, binding them together.
Screams are powerful. Cries of pain cause us to breathe. The heart listens closely to the reptile brain...studies its signals always. And a broken heart is especially adept at this reading process.
- Where her last thought was
- Boigraphical Notes and Such
- Contact Me
- Juggling Some Affections: a little love story
- The Powdered Wig Series
- Capturing Myself
- Feminist Paper Dolls for March 2012
- Feminist Paper Dolls for March 2013
- Feminist Paper Dolls for March 2014
- Shadow Puppetry
- Gas Mask Series: The Studies and Underdrawings
- Mutations
- Bird Boys
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Confrontational Octopus and Other Creatures
I began working on the images for Sealife's Revenge before the Gulf Oil Spill. My thoughts were more on the humor of the phrase "tourist season." What if all the non-humans knew when their areas would be inundated with people and that fact would lead to boon-times of food. The non-humans are probably well aware of when we will be in their space but currently do not go after us as food (for the most part) as we have claws and teeth that are to sharp.
Yellow Octopus
mixed media on panel
And we are crazy. Better to just steer clear of the insanity that risk injury.
Except that when they attempt to steer clear, we move into their old spaces.

Carp Fish
watercolor and graphite on paper
Apparently, we missed the lessons on sharing...

mxed media on panel
If you are in and about Portland Maine during the month of July, please check out my show "Sealife's Revenge" at Dock Fore (a little bar in Portland's Old Port- 336 Fore Street). Also 25% of the profits from the sale of this artwork will go to Louisiana Wildlife Rehabilitators Association .
Yellow Octopus
mixed media on panel
And we are crazy. Better to just steer clear of the insanity that risk injury.
Except that when they attempt to steer clear, we move into their old spaces.
Carp Fish
watercolor and graphite on paper
Apparently, we missed the lessons on sharing...
mxed media on panel
If you are in and about Portland Maine during the month of July, please check out my show "Sealife's Revenge" at Dock Fore (a little bar in Portland's Old Port- 336 Fore Street). Also 25% of the profits from the sale of this artwork will go to Louisiana Wildlife Rehabilitators Association .
mixed media,
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Inner Life of Trees
July 26 to August 31, 2010

Polyphemus Composed
graphite on paper
In this showing of works, I would like to offer up some life-sized tree portraits as well as smaller drawings, etchings and paintings that encompass the visual record of the conversation that occurred during the trees’ portrait sitting sessions.
Polyphemus Composed
graphite on paper
In this showing of works, I would like to offer up some life-sized tree portraits as well as smaller drawings, etchings and paintings that encompass the visual record of the conversation that occurred during the trees’ portrait sitting sessions.
These works will be on display at Gauchos Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse in Portland Maine from late July through August 2010.
Wind Tree
watercolor and pastel on paper
Gauchos Churrascaria is located at 100 Commercial Street in Portland Maine.
dream image,
mixed media,
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Sealife's Revenge
Sealife's Revenge is a recent series of artworks with a oceanic feel that imagines a world with giant octopi, starfish and mermaids. In a world with no long pork allowed ever, even during tourist season, these paintings, etchings and assemblages use humor to see the world from the sea creature's perspective and give them a victory, albeit currently fictitious. 
The etching Fast Food involves allows jellyfish to catch submarines who dare to swim in sacred hunting grounds.
In Subs for Dinner an octopus couple plans to dine on a captured sub once it is dragged into the couples abode.
Dining Out imagines a starfish colony taking up residence on the Bug Light in Portland.
In addition, I have included several mixed media paintings that focus on the beauty of aquatic invertebrates. Sealife's Revenge will show at Dock Fore in Portland, Maine during the month of July 2010.
More information can be found at here or here or here and soon at
More information can be found at here or here or here and soon at
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
and the days ran on forever. we had no idea that the time was pinching closed around us. we didn't ever think to look down into the bag to see that it was exhausting. but it was and we were. that's the short of it.
when it did finally end we were left standing in the bright glaring light on the bleached out sidewalk of reality. hot summer sun pounding down on our dark hair making our head throb. cicadas hummed and buzzed and we were left there, sweating.
if we had a clue then...
oh shut up we had plenty of clues. we could have just looked into the bag. we could have eaten more slowly. we could have grown up. then we wouldn't be here.
but we were having such a lovely time. there was always music and dancing and...
i said shut up. i don't want to hear any more of this. look, i'm going over there. i think there is shade there and maybe we won't die as quickly over there under that tree. you can come with me if you want.
i don't think i want to face death more slowly.
that's not what i meant. we're not going to die, at least not right now. it's too hot here and the sun is relentless. just come sit down over there with me so that i can figure this all out.
do you have anything left? just a bit more, maybe?
no but...
come on. that won't do. and it won't get you anymore. not out here.
The figures move off into the distance, the smaller stouter one supporting the tall willowy one.
when it did finally end we were left standing in the bright glaring light on the bleached out sidewalk of reality. hot summer sun pounding down on our dark hair making our head throb. cicadas hummed and buzzed and we were left there, sweating.
if we had a clue then...
oh shut up we had plenty of clues. we could have just looked into the bag. we could have eaten more slowly. we could have grown up. then we wouldn't be here.
but we were having such a lovely time. there was always music and dancing and...
i said shut up. i don't want to hear any more of this. look, i'm going over there. i think there is shade there and maybe we won't die as quickly over there under that tree. you can come with me if you want.
i don't think i want to face death more slowly.
that's not what i meant. we're not going to die, at least not right now. it's too hot here and the sun is relentless. just come sit down over there with me so that i can figure this all out.
do you have anything left? just a bit more, maybe?
no but...
come on. that won't do. and it won't get you anymore. not out here.
The figures move off into the distance, the smaller stouter one supporting the tall willowy one.
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